He creeps in unknowingly and makes himself at home in our lives, then he makes move at being a trusted ally, giving ideas and advise that wasn't asked for in the first place. The uninvited guest could be a still voice that keeps telling you that you can't break through a situation or that you cannot make it past a certain part or level of life.

But because he is uninvited, he can kicked out and arrested for breaking in. About four years ago, i took the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) class and it was time to write my exams so that i can be certified in the field that i have studied; on the day of the exam, i was ready and well-equipped because personally, i had studied to a point where i was ready to answer any question. On getting to the exam hall, i heard a voice saying to me "why are you stressing yourself, you know that you cannot pass this exam, you never make it at the first trial, remember", those were the exact words that the voice said to me and because of that i got shaken, and it was like a memory wipe had happened, i failed that exam with just one mark, what happened was i didn't know the power that i carried and i let the uninvited guest deceive me into believing what the Lord has not said concerning me. 
When i was ready to go for my second trial of the exam, the voice came again, but this time, i was ready for it because i knew what i carried, and i also knew that i wasn't a failure, so at that point, i told the voice to be kept and said a word of prayer before starting my exam; and that was my last trial. I am putting to you this morning that if we do not know the power that we carry, then the devil can boast of having authority but there can be only one captain on a ship. Do not let the devil lie to you, go for that which you desire, be ready to grab your gold because you are more than the devil makes you believe you are. There is no room for two. Do not entertain the uninvited guest in your life, kick him out before he makes you a permanent abode.

Just Writing

An enthusiastically emotional realist. I believe that life is not all about YES or NO but a few Mybes and In-decisions but your ability to figure it out makes you stand out. A lover of God and His ways and I believe that a Hopeless romantic is not bad because we view life in a romantic angle.

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  1. Beautiful truth. I agree. Knowing who we are in Christ truly determines how we live our lives. May God help us to remember always that His blood has redeemed us and that we are not under captivity in Jesus name. Amen. God bless you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. The Bible says we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. So therefore, no matter what is it we may face in life, if we hold on to that truth always with faith, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. If we entertain that truth and always have those words in our minds and in our hearts, there will be no room for the uninvited guest. Grace and peace to us all.

    1. You are very correct. Thank you ma'am, God bless you
