Funny how God operates; believe when i say that He has a very funny sense of humor. For some days now, i have been looking for a topic to write about and entertain my readers and each time all i hear is look around you, i didn't understand that so i just ignored and figured one day, a topic is definitely going to come to me. In the past month, a lot have been going on at my place of work that i couldn't just wrap my fingers around and honestly, for a minute i would say that i went into depression because i wasn't seeing a way around it. Eventually, i snapped out of it with the believe that God is for me and He will never leave me stranded. Fast forward into the new week, i came into it with a positive vibe and looking forward to the things to come in this week and i was pretty much hopeful. In came Tuesday, and all over again i started being disturbed and worked up over things that i have absolutely no control over. God, why me, why is this happening to me, were the questions that i kept asking.
My friend and co-worker worked into the office and saw looking all morose and all happy, she inquired and i reply her with my worries. As a good friend, she consoled me and told me to look at the brighter picture; as in what is the lesson to be learned in the entire situation, that that is all i need to focus on and not let the devil deter me from the goal, and then she dropped the bombshell!!!
"When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future".That was a rhema that stuck with me, and i just kept thinking about that singular sentence, that was heaven sent.
Immediately i heard that, i knew that was something everybody needs to know.
We all know that the devil has a very bad habit of replaying the bad things that we have done in the past, but the beauty of that is 'it is in the past' and the wonderful thing about God is that He doesn't hold our past against us, He is sweet and kind and all He cares about is our present and most importantly our future.
So the next time the devil reminds you of your ugly past, you have the privilege of reminding him that that right there is your past and you have gotten good with God but he's future is doomed in hell which cannot be over-emphasized. No matter how bad your past is, it cannot be as worse as the future that he already has, but your future has been rewritten.
No matter what the situation is today or what you are going through, it is not as a result of your past, that is the lie from the pit of hell. Do NOT let the devil deceive you into believing that you are paying for a wrong doing from the past because the truth is God is not a wicked God and He does not inflict pain on people, instead of starting a pity party, why don't you face the devil heads on and learn what it is God is trying to show you through that situation and i assure you that the future is brighter than you can imagine.
So every time the devil reminds you of your past, boldly tell him that it is your past and you have been forgiven, and remind him of the impending doom that awaits him in his future. The devil has no hold on you.

Just Writing
An enthusiastically emotional realist. I believe that life is not all about YES or NO but a few Mybes and In-decisions but your ability to figure it out makes you stand out. A lover of God and His ways and I believe that a Hopeless romantic is not bad because we view life in a romantic angle.

Adeola Oladele, an enthusiastic emotional realist. My dream is too big for my bed so I am working consciously on making them a reality. Ambitiously great and dedicated to making it BIG!!! Living up to the reality of my NAME in multiple ways...I strongly believe Hopelessly Romantic is a great thing that makes you see life in a romantic way.
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