If you have been following my INSTAGRAM page click here for a while now, I have been talking about a wedding between these two amazing people; the husband to be is a Pastor while the wife to be is a music teacher. I have known Taiye Fadojutimi for over three years now and she is genuinely a wonderful person, and meeting pastor Yemi is what I term as a divine ordination from the Lord. Talk about losing interest in marriage and lack of interest in men, I remember saying to her that when "The ONE" will come, she will be completely swept off her feet and that is exactly what happened. I am happy for my girl, Taiye and her husband Pastor Yemi and I pray nothing but the best for both of them. (Read Her Story below)
In May of 2015 my GO, Pastor Amos Fenwa told me he had someone for me. I laughed! Especially after he told me where he was from and what he did. I thought he must be joking. Lol. In June of that same year I got a friend request from a random guy. Checked out his circle of friends, no one in common. I decided he was a stalker and kept it moving.  In mid June, Pastor Mrs Siju, Nene and Adeola were talking to me and I was telling them how I just didn’t have time for guys and all the games they play. It’s too much work. I already have a job. They are all the same, (you know how the story goes). They of course were telling me how I needed to be more open minded and stop shutting guys out so quickly. They managed to get on my Facebook somehow, saw a request from P.Yemz, and they decided to accept the request on my behalf, even after I told them the dangers of accepting random friend request on social media.They were checking out his pics and told me I had to see it, which I did but still wasn’t interested. (The guy was cute though!) Pastor Mrs then said I need to purge my own Facebook page as well and take out any questionable pics where my brothers could be mistaken for bae or where I wasn’t looking on point lol. He liked all my photos the next day and I liked his. We connected on INSTAGRAM and he sent a DM. We have literally talked everyday since then!
I know that my steps were truly ordered by God now that I look back. He was writing my story and it now feels like I am having an out-of-body experience as I re-live it and share it with you. I could literally tell you every event in my life that led to this very moment. Every person that was sent to help me on the way. Every situation that was put in place to build me up and mold me, and every leap of faith that I took in obedience. Til this day I stand amazed and in awe of God and the way He worked in my life for what seemed like an eternity going through it but now feels like it all happened so fast. I am so thankful and truly blessed to be with the one true love of my life. As an excuse to my aunts I always used to say I don’t have to date anyone here (in MD or NJ, God will shift the entire world just for me. And that’s exactly what he did. #wontHEdoit
NB: Stay Tuned for more!!!! *Kisses

Just Writing

An enthusiastically emotional realist. I believe that life is not all about YES or NO but a few Mybes and In-decisions but your ability to figure it out makes you stand out. A lover of God and His ways and I believe that a Hopeless romantic is not bad because we view life in a romantic angle.

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