I met Patience Joy Ijehon about a decade and half ago and we were not really in the same click of friends (don't ask me why, I don't know) but I know we were always off today and on tomorrow kind of friend. You know only say something to each other when there is a dire need to but because we were always in the same class it was a little hard to ignore each other. Moreover, she was a *tomboy* like seriously. But as time went by, I began to realize a little similarity between the two of us... I love to read novels and she does also, I love to write, she does as well, I love debate and Bible quiz, she does too, I love listening to music, omgness...she also does... hmmmmmmmmmmmm...how can two people be so different but yet so alike you know.
Gradually, we became novel friends, when j read a novel, I would share with her and she likewise and for a long time, we were "novel friends" remember the days of *Red Velvet* and *A house to buy* I can't even believe I remember those books... Jisos is Lord. This didn't make us friends still o we still kept our due distance. As times went by, we became grown and maybe talked a little bit more then she went to the Uni and I was still home (Naija uni na sweat to enter but thank God) whenever she comes home, she would encourage me on not losing hope and believing that something will happen (Still not that close o) but we maintained the distance friendship. I got admission as well and then we hardly saw more of each other. Maybe a lil check up here and there.

So on my 16th day of gratitude, I am grateful for acquaintance that became friend and then turned to a soul sister. I am grateful for your interest in my growth and development. Thank you Joy for inspiring me to be greater. I pray for you the rest of your life will be the utmost best of it. God will you shoot you into your destiny and inspire greatness in you. You will continue to be a blessing. I love you @schwar3st...we should definitely do that book soul sister...
(I know you never hexpperedit)
(I know you never hexpperedit)

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