So there's no way I would write a biography of myself or the story of my life without giving accolades to this wonderful man and even though he doesn't like to take the credit for all the things he has done in my life, they belong to him. We became friends after he graduated from the University of Ilorin and finally moved back to Lagos. At first, I thought he was too reserved and self righteous but the next 5 years of life turned for good just by the virtue of becoming his pals.
When I entered my teenage years, it was too difficult keeping my head above waters. The pressure was too much (my friends were being allowed to do stuff) and I felt like I was in a cage so unconsciously, I started to rebel, I won't go to church or when I do, I wasn't interested in those things that I should. But my mother...God bless you mommy Olufunke Oladele sought help and spoke to Arobasalu Olusola about my defiance. After that, he took interest in my affairs.
He would call me just to follow up, he would ask how I am doing on numerous occasions and gradually he became that person that I could tell anything. The guys that were talking to me, the parties that I went for and those things I wasn't comfortable telling anyone, I would tell him because not only did he become my friend, he became my spiritual counsellor. I remember when I heard to go to university of Ilorin myself after staying home for 3 years of course; he called me and gave me some words that stuck forever and the most important one was if you need anything call me (trust that I took advantage of that) I remember when he didn't have money but he had to borrow just to send me money to me in school.

I remember all the trips to the house to assure of God's love a how I shouldn't give up hope, I remember me secretly wishing that you were not my uncle so you could be my husband *covers face*. I remember when I was leaving the country and it felt like I would never see you again.
So on the 9th day of my gratitude, I am grateful for you bros Arobasalu Olusola. Thank you for all the sacrifices you made, thank you helping stay in Christ all those years. Thank you for always being there. And even though there is a huge distance between us, I feel you all around me. I pray that the good Lord will continue to uphold you and yours. You will not labor in vain. I love you bros.

Just Writing

An enthusiastically emotional realist. I believe that life is not all about YES or NO but a few Mybes and In-decisions but your ability to figure it out makes you stand out. A lover of God and His ways and I believe that a Hopeless romantic is not bad because we view life in a romantic angle.

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