Wellington is a wise and gentle soul, those attributes are what drew me to him. I knew he was the one when he prayed for me. I always believed that the foundation of any relationship is God. When you put God first in anything you do, it opens doors of anointing and prosperity. He began his prayer with a lovely verse in the bible from the book of Proverbs the book of wisdom. He said "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord". He took my breathe away at that moment, and I i knew then that he was the one.

You know you have found true love, when strangers notice the strong connection between you two. It is so funny because then people use to think Wellington was my brother. Strangers till today still walk up to us and tell us we look so much alike. 

Sometimes I want to just follow along and tell them that he is my brother lol. The best lookalike comment was when we went to visit his friend's church. The pastor Mrs walked up to us and said, " Do you guys know you look alike?" We both just looked at each other and smiled. She was like yes "it's as if God took his(Wellington) rib to create you". I was so surprised at her comment, in my mind am like does this lady read minds. I was surprised at the comment because before I met Wellington, my number one prayer point to God was that I don't just want a man, I want the man you took his rib to create me. I thank God for answering my prayers.

Finally, How we met! The relationship between Wellington and I is the result of my friend's match-making skills. She enjoys playing match maker and decided to show Wellington my picture. I guess he liked what he saw lol... and asked her for my information, of course without my knowledge she gladly gave it to him. I would later find out that she blessed me with the most solid gift a friend can ever give. She connected me to my better half, my best friend, and my soon to be husband. At first I was hesitant when Wellington tried to contact me, I am glad now that he was persistent. I had given up on love, and he came right along to sweep me off my feet. I am so grateful to God for such a wonderful blessing. We got to chatting and he decided to fly out to see me while I was on a business trip. We hit it off instantly, he was such a perfect gentle man. He went above and beyond and exceeded my expectations. We talked about everything and shared our ambitions and goals. That moment will forever be cherished in my heart.

Just Writing

An enthusiastically emotional realist. I believe that life is not all about YES or NO but a few Mybes and In-decisions but your ability to figure it out makes you stand out. A lover of God and His ways and I believe that a Hopeless romantic is not bad because we view life in a romantic angle.

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