Happy Monday fam!!!!
It's a new week, some people are rounding up their day while some are just starting theirs. In life, the outcome of a thing is determined by the approach that we give to it. Hence, the first question to ask yourself every Monday morning is "What is my approach for the week? Are you attacking the week with a determination to conquer and overcome every obstacle that is been thrown at you or are you lackadaisical about what the week has in store for you. Do you plan to grab the bull by it's horn and fight for what you deserve and/or desire or you are going to be laid back and watch those things pass you by? These are questions that are important to ask oneself because it is very easy to get carried away with the things that are happening around us and let the yearnings of this world overcome us. The way you approach these things determine the outcome of them and most importantly what you get out of life.
People say very often, life is give and take, which means whatever you give into life is exactly what you will get back. Look at it this way; it is Monday morning and I am excited to be out of my bed early in the morning and get to today's business... whoever feels like this? I am sure there are a selected few that are eager and excited to get to work and hustle for a better tomorrow, but there are some like me who detests getting up in the morning. Now, it is not that we would not eventually get up or make it to the bathroom, but we really don't to do. But your approach to this first instant of the day will determine the rest of your day and sometimes, even the rest of your week.
Am I saying that approach is only a factor of Monday mornings? NO!!!! In every aspect of our lives, the way we approach the handling of these situations will determine how well or even how soon we finish them. It is like having a positive or negative attitude, as much as the negative is important to prepare for, it should not be the focus of the day. We should learn to focus our approach on the things that matters most, on the positive outcome of a situation more than the negative. It is easy to get carried away and distracted with all the confusions that is happening around us; people not knowing where they going or how they want to get to where they are going. Yet in the midst of all the confusions and commotion, it is possible for you to find your way and underline the things that are important to YOU. The key point being YOU!!!
Find your approach, acknowledge what works for you, write them down (never forget to write them down) as much as mental knowledge is good, the things we write down can never be lost or forgotten (I learned that from my lover) when you write down what you need to do and the steps you plan to use and in what order you need to do them, it comes easy to achieve these things that you have set before yourself to achieve. Remember, your approach towards whatever it is that you plan to do will go a long way in determining how successful it comes out at the end of it.
So in this cozy Monday spirit, find your approach, to the day, the week, the rest of the year and most especially to your LIFE because remember whatever approach you decide will determine the outcome. Have a wonderful week ahead!!!

Just Writing
An enthusiastically emotional realist. I believe that life is not all about YES or NO but a few Mybes and In-decisions but your ability to figure it out makes you stand out. A lover of God and His ways and I believe that a Hopeless romantic is not bad because we view life in a romantic angle.

Adeola Oladele, an enthusiastic emotional realist. My dream is too big for my bed so I am working consciously on making them a reality. Ambitiously great and dedicated to making it BIG!!! Living up to the reality of my NAME in multiple ways...I strongly believe Hopelessly Romantic is a great thing that makes you see life in a romantic way.
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