Happy New Years!!!!

It is the new years and I know we all are making plans for the new years and what we are looking forward to be or achieve in the year 2019; but just like every other year that has come and gone if we do NOT pay attention to the little details and little things that easily beset us, there is a possibility that this year will just wound up like the years that have passed. I have seen people put fingers at others for their shortcomings and their failures; "my father was not a good man, he didn't give me a good foundation" or "my uncle is not willing to help". This should not be an underlying factor in the year 2019 because come what may, you are responsible for whatever is your lot. Therefore, to achieve your set goal for the year 2019, you must first "Overcome Yourself".

Many things that befall us in life is not as a result of the enemy's attack or the fault of other people, they are very much so as a result of either your negligence, lackadaisical attitude, nonchalance to important things or your inability to take responsibility for the happenings in your life. Your setback, delays and lack can be a result of your insecurities, where you are spiritually and your relationship with God, your fears and worries, your inability to see yourself as good enough to conquer the world, and those secret battles and feelings that you have not dealt with but since it is easy to blame others, you would rather settle for that than take responsibility for your lack of victory thereof.

I only it is easy to blame other people, things or forces for the things that you have not achieved so far in life, but the moment you are willing and ready, prepared and determined to take your destiny in your hand and walk the way, working out your victory, you will be amazed at the things that you can achieve. I have learned that by first Overcoming Yourself, your fears and worries, your insecurities and lack of confident, your procrastination and quitting spirit, your limitations and obstacles, you are at an head start to overcoming the world around you.

The devil cannot be everywhere at every time because God is the only omnipotent God, hence the devil appoints little agents that he has spread across the earth to work for him; some of these vices, we invite them with open arms into our lives consciously or unconsciously, giving them power to limit our breakthrough. The moment you are able to understand that God will never create anything that is not good, the moment you are able to understand that you are not a mistake or an error, the moment you are able to understand that your fears and insecurities does not define who you are and who God has made you to be, it will be easier to step into the greatness that God has in store for you.

So as we are in this year and we are making new year resolutions, let us also make it a point of duty to search within and look for those little things that easily beset us, those things that set us backwards and hinder us from fulfilling the plans of God for our lives. Those things that stops us from achieving the utmost that we want to achieve and plan to overcome them. Remember, if you do not fight the enemy within, you will not be able to overcome the enemy without. So in this first 15 days of the year, search for your fears, lack of faith, disbelief, insecurity and OVERCOME them. Watch yourself grow into overcoming the things that the enemy might throw your way.

Remember, you have got to OVERCOME YOURSELF first.
Happy New Year!!!

Just Writing

An enthusiastically emotional realist. I believe that life is not all about YES or NO but a few Mybes and In-decisions but your ability to figure it out makes you stand out. A lover of God and His ways and I believe that a Hopeless romantic is not bad because we view life in a romantic angle.

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