5 months in the year have come and gone; how many people have stayed true to those pacts you made at the beginning of the year? How many of us have kept up with those resolutions and working with them to ensure that we achieve each and every one of these things we made the pact of from the beginning? It is easy to make resolutions and pact, make plans for those things we intend to do for the new year in order for the year not to end like it has always ended but it is more important to stay committed to these plans because without being committed to them, they have no chance of being fulfilled.

Making plans is as important as staying committed to those plans; hence while making plans to achieving new and better things, it is also important to commit to being better individuals. Living life is not just about achievements and being successful in business, career goals and financially but it is also about being better internally, being a better version of yourself, a better version of who you were yesterday. Life is not just about Overcoming Yourself it is also about committing to being better. Being better simply means that you are different and unique from not just other people but also who you used to be.

You know recently, I realized that I was dealing with a heavy stage of "Road Rage", it was like I was angry with the world, you dare not cross my lane on the road or double-cross me, even if you waste a minute at the light after it turns green, you will hear from my mouth and I will curse you out with everything that I have. I screamed and, yelled, and cut people off without thinking twice about it... It was getting so bad that even I could feel the venom of my anger and I didn't even know when I became such a monster, couldn't recognize the person I had become. But this week, I was on the phone with a special someone, he told me how my road rage was so terrible and that was when I realized what was happening.

I was oblivious of the situation I was but my attention was called to it and from that point, I started to commit to being a better road user, imagine if there were more people like me on the road; people who are angry at the world, the kind of disaster we'd be in. After that day, I started consciously paying attention to those things that easily tick me off and get me upset and instead of reacting to them, I smile and keep on driving. I have committed to being better not just for me but for other road users because it is one thing to be better for yourself, it is another to be better to other people. Keep in mind that it is one thing to learn to overcome those things that easily besets you, it is another thing to commit yourself to be a better version than you were yesterday.

So in this month of February, while taking the new month heads on, let us also ensure that we determine to stay committed to being true to ourselves and most importantly, commit to being a better person, commit to being better than we were yesterday, commit to achieving those goals you set out to achieve, commit to make someone happy and most importantly, commit to love God and to a better relationship with Him.

Happy New Month!!!!!

Just Writing

An enthusiastically emotional realist. I believe that life is not all about YES or NO but a few Mybes and In-decisions but your ability to figure it out makes you stand out. A lover of God and His ways and I believe that a Hopeless romantic is not bad because we view life in a romantic angle.

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