A while ago, I started the love story of the year. Taiye and Yemi, the Teacher and the Preacher...hmmmmm; Interesting isn't it. As it is 19 days to the wedding day (major countdown), this is the concluding part of the story and which of course is the most interesting part. To get the full gist of their story if you have missed it; you can click here for her story, click here for his story and you want to definitely click here for my version of their love story. This week, I bring you the most interesting part of every love story "The Proposal"...Oh!! Boy, was it ROMANTIC?!!!

After we initially started talking, we knew marriage was in the works after about a week or so (what can I say, when you know, you know). That being said, I obviously didn’t have your conventional surprise proposal. So this story will tell you of all the times where I wrongly anticipated the proposal! After the introduction in November of 2015, I knew it could come at any time so when I visited on new years of 2016, I was expecting that to be the big celebration. NOPE! Try again! Then I visited again during spring break. We were well into wedding planning at that time and our engagement shoot was fast approaching so I just new it had to be during this visit. So I took a banging outfit for each day. NOPE! Try again. Finally our engagement photo shoot was here. Of course he would propose on the first set or at least sometime during that day. It was an awesome idea in my mind and hopefully in his too. NOPE! Try again. He gave me a mock ring to use for the pictures. I was getting annoyed so I started planning to stop introducing him as my fiancé and start introducing him as my boyfriend. I mean what is a girl to do. You tell people you’re engaged the next thing they want to see is your ring.
Well there was only two more times we would see each other before the big day. My birthday and my sisters wedding! He can’t exactly pay me any surprise visits, and my snookums is not the best secret keeper (so I thought). So when he called and told me he was visiting Abu Dhabi again for my birthday I didn’t know weather it was because he’s just so sweet (which he is of course), or if it was because the time had finally come. When my birthday came, I was just so happy to be going away somewhere, and the guy actually didn’t drop any hints to where we were going. So the anticipation and suspense completely took over and I wasn’t even worried about the proposal. The desert island resort he took me too was breathtaking and also pushed the proposal further out of my mind. We had to go to a formal dinner and it was super hot. My make up was already sweating off so I wanted to get where we were going fast. We had to go through the sand, so I took my heels off and told him to hold it. I lifted my dress up and said oya lets go. He dropped my shoes and went to pick them up. He then says “while I’m down here…” I laughed, pretty hard, and said oh please be quiet and lets go. It’s hot. I turned around to start walking again and looked back he’s still down there. He goes in his pocket and pulls out a blue box. I heard absolutely nothing he said after that (I made him say the speech again during dinner of course). I started tearing up. There was even a photographer there and the hotel manager taking photos. When he got up he gave me a kiss, then I hit him a couple of times, out of love.

To love is sweet, to be loved is sweeter, to be loved by the person you love is the sweetest. This is wishing Pastor Yemi and Taiye a very successful wedding day and a fulfilling and fruiting marriage, The good Lord will uphold the both of you. Congratulations to the Teacher and the Preacher!!!

Just Writing

An enthusiastically emotional realist. I believe that life is not all about YES or NO but a few Mybes and In-decisions but your ability to figure it out makes you stand out. A lover of God and His ways and I believe that a Hopeless romantic is not bad because we view life in a romantic angle.

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