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Writing this story, I didn't plan to have a part two or make it a series because I only wrote it based on an inspiration that I had gotten at that point; but then again God's ways are definitely not our ways and His plans are not our plans. If you missed the first part of this series, you can click here. I had stated in the first part that if we understood earlier on in life the reason why we go through somethings and certain experiences in life, it would be easier to work with them and definitely would make life easier way easier for us. We are all made to go through education starting from lower level (kindergarten) all the way to the higher level of education (PhD), I know that it definitely wasn't everybody that smiled on their first day of school...matter of fact, I am sure that many of us threw a feat in order to avoid been taking to school but here we are today all grown and working in those things that we have been taken through; the moral here is it might seem rosy and easy at the beginning but fighting it makes it no easier but it only make things seem harder.

In the first part, I had mentioned about abstaining from pre-marital sex and every other thing that is associated with it. So this time, I will be talking about some of the experiences we went through or might go through in life. My life has an example, towards the end of last year, God began to bring people in my life that were going through several daddy issues, at first I declined saying anything so as to not look like I did not have an easy growing up but the more I kept quiet, the more God kept instilling in my sub-conscious to speak out and encourage these people that HE brought my way. I later summoned the courage to actually speak to these people and narrating my experience with my own father and how it wasn't easy growing up or even relating with him now that I am all grown. But do you know that I was able to relate to their emotions and feelings at that point because I had my fair share of daddy issues. Now, growing up I didn't have so much of a good relationship with my biological father, we just never saw eye to eye, I hope that I will be bold enough to tell the story one day.

But as I became a woman and I started to relate with men from different works of life, the dark past rear its ugly head each time and has a very bad effect on my relationship with other men. Soon, God had started telling me that I had to forgive him (my father) so that it doesn't hinder my blessing but then it took me a whole of energy to get to a point where thinking of him does not bother me or hurt me anymore (I'm not saying I no longer hurt a few times) but God is working me through it. After I started working on my relationship with my father, all these other people started coming to me and my experience and ability to work on my forgiveness made it easy to relate to these people.
The lesson here basically is when God is asking of us something and we don't understand it, we should take the time to Know the Difference in working with God or working in our own timetable because our ability to know and understand that forgiveness is not for the other party but for you, it makes life a lot easier.

PS: I hope you enjoyed reading this, please leave a comment on how this has helped on not helped you. Remember you can share a story and bless a life in ways you do not expect.

Just Writing

An enthusiastically emotional realist. I believe that life is not all about YES or NO but a few Mybes and In-decisions but your ability to figure it out makes you stand out. A lover of God and His ways and I believe that a Hopeless romantic is not bad because we view life in a romantic angle.

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