5 months in the year have come and gone; how many people have stayed true to those pacts you made at the beginning of the year? How many of ...
Happy New Years!!!! It is the new years and I know we all are making plans for the new years and what we are looking forward to be or achi...
Happy Monday fam!!!! It's a new week, some people are rounding up their day while some are just starting theirs. In life, the outcome ...
Brooded over this phrase all weekend long and it just amazing how one phrase even though is not a complete sentence can make a whole lot of ...
It's been a while people!!! If I am fully back to writing on here? Not sure/Maybe If I miss writing on here? Very much so Feedback...
HER STORY Wellington is a wise and gentle soul , those attributes are what drew me to him. I knew he was the one when he prayed for me. ...
IT WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER. Writing this story, I didn't plan to have a part two or make it a series because I only wrote it bas...
WORK WITH IT I know many will wonder what it means... but in life, our ability to differentiate between a lot of things will help in mak...

Adeola Oladele, an enthusiastic emotional realist. My dream is too big for my bed so I am working consciously on making them a reality. Ambitiously great and dedicated to making it BIG!!! Living up to the reality of my NAME in multiple ways...I strongly believe Hopelessly Romantic is a great thing that makes you see life in a romantic way.